Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wealthize by Ocean

Wealthize by Ocean

Wealth comes in many forms.

For instance, I always feel so rich when I am surrounded by my rescued pets.

And I recall times when, as a child, I had wished with all my heart that 
I could have pets that could be indoors, and as many as I wanted.

I am very wealthy with pets, which makes me very wealthy with love.

Most of us are very wealthy with many things – like, someone I know 
is very wealthy with perfumes.

Some are wealthy with cars, with tools, with collections of all kinds.

Some are wealthy with a beautiful abundance of trees right outside.
Others are wealthy with shoes, or books, or with popularity, or with long, lovely hair !

Lots are wealthy with art supplies. What ? We can go to any store and find 
them for a pittance, you might say, but think of the days when so many artistic 
and struggling geniuses abounded who would almost have sold their own souls 
for some good art supplies.

When you learn to slant the angle of your view of life to include all you 
have and have had, you’ll find that you are – and always have 
been – wealthy indeed.

Even the Pygmies of the Great Forest in Africa - who own next to nothing in actual items - know they are very lucky, and very wealthy. They consider themselves children of the forest itself, 
and pride themselves o n acting in harmony with their provider.

Can you imagine someone of the Western nations saying he or she was the child 
of the plains? Of the swamplands ? Of the mountains ?

Besides hippies, I mean. And Native Americans. And sages and mystics and cosmic people.

Of course, any bohemian worth his or her salt agrees with this. And others. 
Any surfer will agree that he is the child of the coast and the sea, for sure.

Why not adopt this feeling, this claim, that you are lucky – that you belong in a world of abundance, and that you were born with wealth and will o nly live in wealth no matter what.

One o nly has to recognize it. It really is – for most of us in the 
West, at least, true.

One should never compare o neself, except to find gratitude for o ne’s 

The attitude of gratitude we hear about is the surest way to happiness and 
contentment, therefore, to confidence, a feeling of safety, and the ability 
to succeed.

Don't you feel richer already ?

Keep swimming into WealthMermaid's Sea and follow the Wealthize System to BestRiches !

Back to WealthMermaid

WealthMermaid will teach you a cosmic system which will lead you to attaining 
wealth in installments – and also, it will soon be offered as an ebook !







God's Money

"Out of the Mouths of Babes..."

Pandora's Box and the Laws of Attraction

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